Project Management


Getting It Right From The Start

The key fact behind our approach is to achieve the required alignment between business strategies from concept to realization while implementing a resource management solution. In such a case, the likely relationship between stakeholders may be represented as follows :

The objectives are to get all stakeholders to participate in the business analysis process as early as possible. Far too often, business users are able to articulate what they need and why, but face challenges in stating their needs in a form that works well as the basis for defining a project or a product. Also, key initiatives can be delayed as obtaining consensus and signoff becomes a challenge. Worse still, unclear requirements can be signed off, and then interpreted differently by estimation, design, development, and test teams ultimately leading to difficult change control or outright project failures.

Throughout any project, neoSG bvba works closely with the customer to ensure that every single participant/department has a clear picture of targeted achievements. The final goal is to avoid all above stated culprits.